Sunday, September 9, 2018

Save, Spend, and Share

We are learning about money in Kindergarten. Each time your young child sees you spend money or use the ATM, they are building an understanding of what money is. You can guide that understanding with simple activities about making good choices; what has value; and spending, sharing, and saving. Over time you'll see that, through everyday conversations and fun, you can help your child grow up to make good financial decisions.
  • Play pretend store together. Take turns playing the role of the customer and cashier. Download and print the Play Money Reproducible to use when you play.
  • Put a little money every day into a savings jar to show your child how to save over time. 
  • You can help your child understand that spending, sharing, and saving are three important ways people make choices about money. Download the 3 Jar Labels and decorate them with your child. Encourage your child to talk about what they plan to do with the money they put in each jar.
Watch these videos with Elmo by clicking on him and create opportunities for your child to make money decisions of their own!