Monday, July 31, 2017

We are Peacemakers

This week we are revisiting some of our classroom rules that seem to have been forgotten over the summer holiday. Peacemakers are respectful to teachers, friends and classmates. They are learning to build relationships and resolve conflicts peacefully, without the use of their hands or hurtful words. Peacemakers also work hard, share and always do their best.

I know we can ALL be Peacemakers with practice, some gentle reminders and a bit of help from mom and dad!


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

100 Things in the Bag!

Thanks to all the parents who made our 100 Days of School such a success. We have been counting to 100 by 10's all week and the kids were really excited about using all the great things they brought from home. We had beans, paperclips, lego pieces, stickers, number tiles, Q-tips, cranberries, jellies and lots of toys to count.  
I hope everyone will keep practicing at home!


We are 100 Days Smarter!

Thank you Ms Benitha and Ms Aisyah for helping us make this amazing banner!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Library Books

This semester, I think it's important that we start borrowing books from the school library. First, it's always great to have to something new to read with mom and dad. Secondly, it teaches responsibility.

We will be checking out one library book each Thursday. If you don't return your book the following Thursday, you cannot take out another one that week. If you lose or damage your book, you will have to replace the cost.  

Let's start reading!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great summer and is as excited about the second semester as I am. I was so happy to see everyone yesterday and to meet some new friends. We also welcomed Ms Alicia to our class and she has fit right in! 

Here's the first morning message of semester 2!