Saturday, February 18, 2017

Arr Matey!

Can you find all of the letters of the alphabet hiding in the playground?

We joined the captain and his crew from our book Shiver Me Letters on a quest to capture the entire alphabet on our first pirate treasure hunt.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Valentine’s Day Edible Play Dough

Our Valentine’s Day play dough is made with oatmeal, flour, and water, so it is safe for kids to eat. This is a great sensory activity for kids of all ages and it’s also helpful for working on fine motor skills. The texture is different than that of store-bought play dough which makes it unique and fun. With only three ingredients, it's simple enough for older kids to mix up themselves. And since it's edible, little ones can have fun with it too!

1 cup oatmeal
½ cup flour
½ cup water
Food coloring (optional)

Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Knead with your hands. If the dough is a little too dry, add a touch more water. If it’s too wet, add a bit more flour. Knead in your food coloring or add it to the water before mixing. Sprinkle in a few cookie cutters to extend the fun.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Curriculum Night

Thanks to all the parents who came to Curriculum Night! For those of you that couldn't make it, I hope to see you on parent-teacher day.

Super Writers!

I am so proud of our Super Writers! Curious and fearless, we are ready to write!

Meet King!

King is our pet dragon who only comes out when it’s quiet and children are making the right choices. Every time we follow the rules, King gets a treat! We can get 3 treats just for walking quietly in the hall and one for staying in our seats.

Once his food bowl is full, we will all get a special reward! 

Yee Sang Prosperity Toss

Today we were invited by our Sodexo cafeteria staff to participate in the Prosperity Toss to help usher in the Chinese New Year. Yee Sang is a dish mixture of different types of shredded vegetables with each ingredient symbolizing good luck, wealth or prosperity.

I think we all have a good year as we tossed our salad so high into the air!

Monday, February 6, 2017

David Goes to School

We are learning a lot about what NOT to do from David!

David's antics in school include chewing gum, talking out of turn, and starting in a food fight - and that's just on the first day!

Talk to your child and see which rules they think are the most important to follow.

gōng xǐ fā cái

2017 is the Year of the Rooster! Roosters are hard-working, talented and capable, but that doesn't mean they don't have a sense of adventure! You will often find roosters travelling the world to seek new experiences, and they will be the ones who get up early to greet the sun. Roosters are quite self-confident and are likely to start trends; just check out our rooster artwork to see!