Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Elf on the Shelf

Are you naughty or nice?

That's what our Christmas Elf is here to see every morning! She hides in a different spot and watches us to see if we are peacemakers all day long (sometimes it's really hard to be kind if we're tired, or feeling sad about something). Every night the elf flies back to the North Pole to update Santa. Scout elves get their magic by being loved and given a name. We decided on Elfa because she looks a little bit like Elsa. The only rule for our Christmas Elf is that we cannot touch her or she will fly back up north and never come back.

Today Elfa was found in the library. I wonder where she'll be tomorrow?

Read all about this Christmas tradition here:

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Max's Butterfly

Yesterday Max gave us a special presentation on the life cycle of a butterfly. He found a chrysalis on a lime tree near his home and placed it in a special container. He waited patiently until the caterpillar metamorphosed into a beautiful butterfly. He and his mom are going to set it free near his home.

 Even Patty was curious and couldn't resist taking a peek!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

O Christmas Tree

Our classroom just got into the festive spirit! Thank you to Keira's mom Julia for lending us a Christmas tree and to Ke Rol's family for the beautiful decorations. The kids have been super excited about it and are constantly singing Christmas carols all day long!

Thursday, November 15, 2018


It's raining, it's pouring....

It was a wet day, but the kids didn't care at all as they jumped in puddles, climbed trees, made mud pies and caught bugs! We saw snakes, durian trees, pitcher plants and even caught a frog. We didn't get to have our campfire but we still enjoyed a delicious lunch in the dry hut.

Thanks to Nadia, Dale, Fanny and the whole team at Kindizoo for an unforgettable day!


Arthurs Amazing Abeonim!

There were lots of oohs and aahs as Arthurs abeonim (father) came in to read the book Zoo Borns to us this week.
Jack did some really astute impressions of a few of these animals, you can read all about them here:






Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Halloween time is finally here,
So all you scaredy cats, it's time to fear!
For all the evil spirits and witches are now near,
You can run but you just cannot hide, my dear.
Have a spooky Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Pumpkin Pie

Today we made pumpkin pie with cinnamon and it smelled just like fall in Canada.

We got to roll out the dough and press it into the baking tin. Then we added the pumpkin mix that our Sodexo chef helped us stir together. The fun part was using cookie cutters to make a shape for the top. The boring part was waiting for them to bake!